Book and Movie Reviews

Books and movies are like apples and
They are both fruit, but they taste
completely different.

-Stephen King

Monday, 7 October 2013

The Fault in Our Stars

Author: John Greene
Genre: Young Adult
Release Date: 1.10.12

"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,/ But in ourselves, that we are underlings."

Oh this book... I cannot even fathom how such a book is so grand and simply splendid. 
Oh this book was my favorite summer accomplishment. I read and slept and read and slept; that was all i did for those 3 days. Now as i enjoy my morning coffee before my bus to school, i read some more to gather yet another dose of John's bold idea of a bunch of papers bound together with the purest intentions (i think).
You think i'm lying? Read it. The words are so natural, so real. It's like Hazel (heroin) and Augustus (hero) are standing at the door of your bedroom arguing about cancer and whatnot. 

To brief you in, this book is about Hazel Grace, a 16 year old cancer patient who is forced by her parents to attend a support group, where she magically finds the love of her life... Augustus Waters. -side note: sorry for being such a female about it, but it's just so pure and, i'll stop now- 
After their encounter, Augustus decides to impress Hazel and read her favorite book; An Imperial Affliction. He also becomes obsessed with it and after countless more encounters, text messages and lovey dovey moments, they both go on a trip to Amsterdam with Hazel's mother to finally meet the author of An Imperial Affliction, Van Houten, who to their ultimate surprise was a jerk. And the rest is pure misery... 

Both filled with humor and tragedy, each page has something new splattered on it. I wish i had negative remarks, i really do but i don't. I enjoyed every second of this book, every page and every character. 

I would definitely suggest this book to anyone who's a cancer-book-lover, a good innocent romantic, or anyone really... i don't understand how this book can be disliked, unless you're not into a prolonged conversation between two teenagers in love. Then i wouldn't really suggest it for you *point to screen*

Happy reading,